OVER the years, the myth that getting older kills a woman’s sex life has been rubbished by women in their late and early fifties who’ve constantly shown that this period has been the most passionate, exciting and sensual years yet. I was with friends and taking stock of the wild parties we’d attended over the last few months and wondering what method of detox to settle for when in breezed Muni, a friend of several years, thought not a close one.

She swept my pleasantries aside and declared: “We think you should have a word with your friend, Joan,” she said, her nostrils flared. Here comes trouble, I said silently. Joan could hardly be called a good friend. I’d known her for years and, if you readers recall, she was the one who pretended she lost a necklace on one of our weekends away, hoping the host would pay for the tinsel she tried to pass off as real gold.

Years after, she was after CTB, pretending she wanted a favour from him and asking me to give her his phone number! Just how brazen can you get?

So what seemed to be the problem now? Joan has turned into a real barracuda and is having a pick of friends’ husbands if she wants to graze, shouldn’t she be doing it further afield from home? This was quite interesting. Keeping a straight face, I didn’t let on what problems Joan had taken me through in the past but I promised to have a word with her. Joan is the type of girl you see only when she needs a favour from you. Curiosity made me ring her as soon as Muni left, and she enthusiastically agreed for me to come to her place the next day after work. She was really glowing as she entertained me lavishly.

“So, what’s this rumour going the rounds that you’re having a pick of friends’ husbands?” I asked her. We’ve always been straight with each other and

she shrieked with triumphant laughter. “So, who’s complaining?” I told her. “Let Muni complain all she likes” she told me smugly. She’s always been too smug for my liking and is always blabbing about how promiscuous I was. She must have blabbed to her husband because the day I ran into him at a friend’s place, he looked at me in a very curious way, flattering me to high heavens. I was a bit put out by this show of affection and was on my way when he offered to see me off.

“You look really smashing you know, he said, a bit nervous, yet excited. ‘I’ve always found you so sexy!’ I was a bit angry at first but then I thought of his hoity-toity wife and gave him my phone number when he asked for it. I was determined to get back at Muni for always disapproving of me. He didn’t

waste time hiring me into my bedroom when he called the next day, where I showed him every sinful trick I’d learnt over the years. He left with a dazed smile on his face – and I’ve seen him a couple of times since then. He’s quite hot, really! So, when your Muni whines that I should settle down, I smile quietly to myself that if she only knew the truth, she wouldn’t be preaching to me so smugly. Rather, she would save her breath for her husband!

“I was married before, as you well know, before my husband ran away with an old friend. Well, I’m not loosing sleep over that. My children are grown and have done well for themselves. I’d always had a high sex drive and I told myself a long time ago that I only had one life and I was bent on not wasting it! That was when 1 decided to make life as exciting as I possibly could. I put in daring extensions to my hair, invested in clothes and shoes and, soon, my confidence was soaring. After years of getting sexually frustrated by my ex, 1 was ready to conquer the world – my libido was on the rampage.

“I was apprehensive about my ability to lure men to my bed, but I ran into a lot of them at parties and in the course of my business that it was such a turn- on choosing among all these lovely men. I accepted a lot of dates and once they realized all I wanted was fun, they were quite happy to take me out to dinner and for drinks. Then we’d rush to my place and greedily have deserts or whatever to top up the night! After such a long time without sexual satisfaction, I was suddenly getting through a couple of them a week. I have – made love in the shower, on the kitchen table – everywhere.

A few of my lovely men have taken me to posh hotel suites for the night where we drank lovely wine. I felt amazing – felt young and vibrant. The mistake I made was confiding in some of our friends. At first, they were half-teasing, saying they envied me but I could sense they were disapproving. It was then that I noticed I was being invited to their houses less and less.

It was at this time that snooty Muni purposely called round to my place to lecture me on my I sinful’ lifestyle. She wanted me to join her Pentecostal church, saying “you don’t have to degrade yourself like this,” and quoting from the Bible to buttress her point. I was enraged. Why was it degrading to enjoy a man wanting you, bedding you and making you feel alive again? I told her to get out of my house, that I didn’t need ‘saving’ and was quite capable of living my own life. So, why come crying to you when she couldn’t get through to me? One favour she did me was making me realize it was only sensible to keep my sex lifestyle to myself. Living alone, there was no one to check up on me anyway. That was why when Muni’s husband showed interest, I helped myself to his services. I wish someone would tell Muni and watch her bum with fury!”

The post So what if you’re having an affair with your friend’s husband!? appeared first on Vanguard News.



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